For those of you who have been waiting so patiently, I am pleased to announce that Dark Empire's Rise is now officially a published title.
What better day to publish than Leap Day? I didn't choose the day, it is just the way it happened--then again, my adventures in writing always did yield interesting experiences.
I would like to thank everyone who encouraged me to keep writing even when I thought I would never finish writing this, or any other book. I may be just starting out with publishing my writing, but I hope that I will be able to continue to grow as a writer and keep producing as an artist. I hope that you, my willing audience, will enjoy the reading experience.
As always, please do not be too shy to leave a comment, or read my other posts.
~Danielle G.
Dark Empire's Rise will be available in the following timeframes:
- CreateSpace eStore: Immediately
- Amazon.com: 3-5 Business Days
- Amazon Europe: 3-5 Business Days
- Expanded Distribution channels: 6-8 Weeks
*Please use the links provided above for the appropriate purchasing website. All dates are relative, the title may be available sooner.