The finger pointing gets to be too much. The blame never ends because nobody wants to let go of their own point of view. Oh, it does happen, but not enough. It is easier to blame our differences, than to embrace our similarities. It is easier to just keep doing it the same way than to be an innovator. If you introduce something new, you get pushback for the sake of tradition. Proving your point has nothing to do with changing peoples' minds. People will always believe what they choose to believe. Humans are pretty stubborn creatures, present composer included.
~Danielle Grace
Stereotypical ice is broken
Deem foreign flip-sides
As well-spoken tokens
Skin melanated, but not enough if
Lighter brown, redder, golden, brighter,
Maybe way too privileged as it gets whiter
Equally prone to slight as hands offered
In shades closer to the dark of midnight;
Acknowlegement never erases obvious blight
You can’t edit every book on sight;
That may sound trite, but it’s still right...
Neighbors assigned random provinces
At coordinates where family feet never fell
By a skewed geographic slip of the senses
Concocting blame for unproven crimes
Yet, where silver spoons drop stacks of dimes
Lacking pennies net the impoverished hard time
Proving zip codes matter where pockets get fatter
Under the table and across red lines--of history
I’m being blunt, no need to excuse me…
Oh, did I pray to the wrong deity?
Or is a choice not to believe
Justification for prejudice and bigotry
If an answer driving me to happiness is kindness
Instead of spirits of divinity making the selfsame plea
Mutual respect can disagree to agree
Without demonizing me or thee
For daring to love out of sincerity
Not dictums of what renders hearts complete
Any more than what we present to the world
Could change internally who we’re meant to be
And the limits of personal bravery
Ah, me...
It is hatred which burns harmony
On pyres of rigid philosophy
Lit even in the face of proof
Human bias always misses the truth.