I have been sloshing through the spring session of Camp NaNoWriMo. Since my priority is editing my title The Price of Jade, you may want to know how it is going; like most editing, it is going quite slowly.
I have written here before that editing is the most time consuming part of a writer's job. Getting into the meat of the story is a joy, but picking through the continuity, the context of word usage, punctuation choice, and sentence structure can be quite punishing; however, it is all worth it in the end. It is editing that keeps me fighting with my pages and keeps me awake staring at the screen with the mounting anxiety of never finishing, but I have slayed that dragon before, and I intend to do it many times over in my plans to produce more novels.
Every joy comes with a great deal of toil to bring it forth; with this understanding, I press on.
~Danielle G.