Dark Empire's Rise was not my first "completed" novel. By completed, I mean to say that I have a book where the storyline is done, but when I began that journey, my writing style was more unsure; it has evolved since the beginning of that particular venture. Because of the changes in style, my first completed story needed (and probably still needs) a lot of editing, and time being what it is--and me with my wandering writer's brain--I was drawn to finish the first book in The Chronicles of Orion series before I returned to my old friend. But now, I am ready to settle back in, even with a plate full of other projects and give my first lady her due. It make take a bit of time to polish the edges, but I will move forward.
Her name is Jade; and she is running from a life forced on her by military scientists and the shadowy edges of the government. What would you do if you found out that you were created to be a weapon? What if you don't want to be that weapon? Would you run and hide, or would you stand out in the open, shining a light on the dark corners and exposing those behind your engineering?
~Danielle G.