You might think that a writer would post more updates online, right? You'd be wrong. The truth is I am so busy editing and writing things outside of the internet that I get distracted and caught up in what is in my imagination. Of course, there are the daily tasks of running errands and keeping the domestic situation balanced too.
Since life and creativity happen, my eyes have been open with the writing and editing at some staggering hours. I get focused on my craft and then I look up and it is 4:16 A.M. (I tend to look at a clock at 4:16 P.M. on the dot too, it is so weird.). I do try to sleep by 5:oo A.M. so I can get back up before 7:00 am to rouse the hubby and kid for work and school.
Why so sleepless?
In addition to the constant editing of my work, I have asked a small group of avid readers and otherwise interested parties in my inner circle to take a look and see what they think of the story and the characters. Many writers just go ahead and throw the book out there when they are self-publishing, but using the resources you have when you are not a rich author being backed by a major publisher is the best idea. I admit to being as selfish with my work as the next writer when it comes to my pet projects, but I have to let go sometime. I am very fortunate to have readers from all age groups and backgrounds to choose from. Some of the readers are not the usual Fantasy/Science Fiction fans, so I take a particular interest in their response as an outside audience. I also like the comparisons some of my Fantasy/Sci-Fi readers might draw to other authors or "fandoms." And what author doesn't like finding out how people respond to their writing style?
Seriously, don't be afraid to comment on my posts or drop me a note through my contact avenues. I won't bite...unless it is an answer you are seeking.
This is an exciting time for me. If I have to lose sleep over something, this is a very positive reason for it.
~Danielle G.