It has been a while since I posted, I know. Life has gotten a bit wild with the COVID-19 Pandemic and our new social distancing measures. Parents are now homeschoolers and others can't go to work because of the need for public health and safety. Even so, there hasn't been much time for writing freely when attention is pulled to other vital things.
I hope we get through this, but we shall never be the same due to the tragic loss of life around us, and being kept from most activities we otherwise enjoy.
Keep those hands washed, and be thoughtful of other people with preexisting conditions. Be considerate to our neighbors who also must find a way of adjusting to the new world paradigm.
Spread love, not the virus.
~Dani G.
All these thoughts,
Not a breath
Of space to spare
Where viral wraiths
Consume the air--
The world leans
Into synchronicity
Of pointed chaos
Laid out bare,
Spinning this globe
In striking flares--
We all wait,
Humbled by mortality.