Considering the history of this world and the marginalization of women by cultures and in organizations of all kinds, I must speak out. It matters not where you are born, if you are born a woman, or have the soul of a woman, it is not a thing so easily overcome.
But why should we have to overcome what we are, when we should celebrate it? Raise yourself up and be who you are. You are worthy of respect and equality, you are worthy of love and celebration, and you are worthy to decide what you want in this world without being told what exactly that is by someone else's definition.
I am a woman. I have a voice, and I will not be invisible or silent.
~Dani G.
Behold! A warrior could never swing his sword without her supplying a perfect arm
And yet, you call her inferior and weaker while succumbing to her sex and charm
A King would never secure his heirs and rule without her issue alone
But you relegated her to the second throne for so long or better: none--
A conqueror’s strategy could never flourish without her push of maternal pain
But you think Him smarter than the one inside whose carriage formed his brain--
You take the power from her name and call her girl—as if we wouldn’t reclaim that pearl;
Forgetting that she is the one who bears the means to populate your entire world;
Without the safety, provision, and inclusion of her vaunted and sacred womb:
No deities worshiped, no art produced, no revolutions launched, no philosophies consumed--
Consider that when you talk about creation and take Her credit
The birth of a revolution, The birth of a nation, The birth of an empire
The birth of beauty, all races, all ideas, and the gaze of all desire
You slap down her words, free her attackers, call it justice, and regulate her natural power
By law, by doctrine, by science, by force and even locking her in the highest tower--
Because you fear her; the dominance of her prolific biological sway
Let us not forget that If she says “no,” Humanity just goes away--
So you muzzle her and cover her and continue to ignore her individual pleas
you hide her and subjugate her and forcefully push her to her collective knees--
You avert her eyes from knowledge, for Her resistance is a mountain
Without her exists no youth and no future—Mankind has no fountain
The gateway of her hips have shouldered the centuries of blame
For those who cannot staunch their ever-burning selfish flame
And when she uses what passion she possesses for her gain,
She faces charges of action, language, and sentiment most profane--
Today we stand for our mothers, daughters, sister’s, and friends
For all females who the world have treated as the least valuable citizens
For the women who died without their rights in their capable hands--
We take back the words and works we want; We make our demands
Of equal respect in every land, and religion, and spiritual place: Yes, in our house
To have or not have, to take or not take, to be or not be mothers or spouse
You may attempt to quiet us and limit our voices in your patriarchal government
But we will not hide our unity of girlish, feminine, goddess, and warrioress dissent!
No longer can you pretend we are tucked inside agreeing with your ways
When our disagreement with your hateful methods is so clearly on display--
You cannot unsee us in your streets…EVERYWHERE.